A few Sundays back Jonny and I headed of too Paradise Wildlife Park to use the experience my mum and dad got me as part of my graduation present which was a Meet the Meerkats one. This isn’t going to be a word heavy post I just wanted to capture the day and how inquisitive these little beauties are on my blog. We didn’t stay for much longer than the experience as its not a huge park and it is more child orientated but I made sure I popped to see the big cats and of course the OTTERS!
We went in to feed them in the morning and this is the only way to coax them to let you in or out of their den like enclosure that has to have a concrete/metal underlay to stop them digging their way out. They are really really friendly but they love to look and grab people as they are as I said very very inquisitive. They happily sit on your lap but be cautious they have large claws and sharp teeth (our keeper knew this only too well)
While me and Jonny sat on two tree stumps they came to me for cuddles and neck scratches which they love and they used Jonny as a look out post as the monkeys were in the enclosure a little away and to see them they use people to get a better look.
We then popped to see my favourite animals in the world the otters, when we got to their enclosure they were no where to be seen but as soon as a glimmer of sun shone through they were out in full force jumping in and out of the water and as you can see posing for photos. Take a moment to appreciate their darling little faces.
By the end of the day I felt like this guy below a little sleepy and ready for a nap! So thats exactly what I did in the car on the way home
So here is my very chilled Tuesday post, I hope it wasn’t too boring 🙂
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