Our feline friends bring us such joy don’t they! Each of them with their own personalities and traits. I knew when getting Alfred back in 2018 eventually I would end up with another to keep him company and less than a year after, I got Penelope. They are both pure breed Ragdolls so have a very gentle and easy going nature but they both have funny traits unique to them.
Alfred for instance is extra fluffy so I groom him daily, he I assume sees everything in slow motion as he just loves to lounge and watch the world go by. He is a big baby really and cradling him for a tummy and neck rub is a must. He’s a kissy cat and will stop at nothing to kiss you or sometimes nibble your nose or jaw if you’re not paying him enough attention. His ultimate fail moment in life was as a kitten climbing in the bin where the remains of a curry sat, lets just say I had to bathe him in the hope he would return back to a fluffy white color rather than orange.
He likes to perch up high and watch as his sister darts around and old soul really.
Penelope is polar opposite she is a rocket who is constantly on the move, she even plays fetch just like a dog. Only if it is a receipt, hairband or bottle top though. A headbutter and hater of a phone she will ensure you pay her attention and not your mobile by sitting on you so you only pay attention to her. The newest habit is trying whatever is in someone’s glass by dipping her paw in. Yep that means a lot of half drunk drinks, thanks Pen. She also has these silly teeth that make her look a bit like a bat, it really is quite adorable.
Like typical brother and sister they play fight and often keep me up at night, before settling down on the end of my bed snuggled together.
What the do both have in common is their love for food. Alf will eat anything and everything in sight and can switch between wet and dry food. Penny however loves dry food more than anything, oh unless its treats. It is so important that you’re giving your cats the right food, for my two Whiskas food for 1+ years is the best. You want to make sure that your cat is getting the right nutrients in their food just like we make sure we are getting the right things into our bodies too, cat care is super important.
As both of mine are indoor only cats some of the things they would have outside like grass etc. are not int heir diet so it’s important they get everything they need from the food I provide such as carbs and fiber to aid their digestion to minerals for strong bones.
These fluffers are part of my family so it’s so important to me that they are getting a balanced diet as well as lots of room to plan and every possible surface I own to relax on. These tow take the definition of ‘if it fits, I sits’ to another level. Nothing is safe from the bath, bed and every box I’ve ever had a delivery come in.
What makes your cat’s or pets in general unique?
*this post is in collaboration with Whiskas but all opinions are my own.
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