Wow, what an exciting post to share with you. A short one that will likely lead to a new category on my blog. If you’ve read the title then you’ve probably guessed it, we’re having a baby!
Baby Cousens is due February 2022 and we couldn’t be more excited. After our scan last week we told our families and close friends with cute surprises and were returned with many tears, smiles and lots of hugs (because you’re allowed to do that again yay!).
I then popped it on my social media last night for our wider circle to join in with knowing our fantastic news.
I think this is going to give my blog the restart it needs. Thanks to COVID and working from home my motivation to spend any more time glued to my laptop dwindled, and the fact I did well nothing notable or truly exciting for the last 18 months meant this space has been quite for the first time in over 9 years.
So here is post one of I hope many on our imminent arrival. I think a trimester round-up will be coming up next because it’s been a mix of emotions and a lot of sickness but could help someone in the same boat and also help me get advice!
The countdown is on 27 ish weeks left until this little lemon makes it entrance into the world!
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