I know, I know you have probably seen a million reviews and posts on how amazing this is and without wanting to jump on the bandwagon. I guess I am jumping on that bandwagon because my goodness I think I've just found my holy grail product and if you have cystic spots and nothing works then this may ...
L’Oreal Elvive | re-nutrition shampoo & conditioner
It was time to go out and buy some new Shampoo & Conditioner a few weeks back and I like to change up my normal hair routine as I think if you use the same duo all the time it stops working in the desired way. So off to the shops I went, looking for the same type that I generally always look ...
My saving face | philosophy purity
Way back when I first started blogging a little under a year ago I brought the BBB Beauty box you can see that post here, in the box I received the 90ml bottle of 'Purity by Philosophy 3-in-1 Cleanser'. Now I still have a bit in that little bottle even now and that shows how little ...
NARS velvet gloss lip pencil | baroque
Oh god I am shopping obsessed but I can justify this buy, really I can ! So we all know NARS and how amazing their products are right, well yes and I love them just as much as the next beauty obsessed woman and when you find a NARS Velvet Gloss Lip Pencil for £4.99 + 99p p&p buy it now you just ...
W7 – in the buff palette
So while I was browsing eBay and Amazon, I should really stop doing that !, I stumbled across this rather nice palette. This is the 'W7 In The Buff Natural Nudes Eye Colour Palette', remind you of something buy lets say Urban Decay ? Me too only this was not so pricey as cost a whole £4.80 with ...